Whenever you need to measure an ingredient or substance using a tablespoon, you need to make sure that you are using the right tablespoon. And while you may think or assume that all measuring spoons are the same, the reality is that they differ. Besides, tablespoons don’t only differ within the same country as they are different depending on the country where you live in.

Measuring Tablespoons Around The World
Let’s say that you want to cook a different meal and that you just picked what seems to be a delicious recipe. So, now that it is time to start cooking, you need to look at the ingredients and their measurements. And you see that some of them need to be measured using a tablespoon.
One of the things that you may not know is that a measuring tablespoon is not the same as a regular tablespoon. Besides, it is different from a teaspoon. So, you should make sure that you don’t use one instead of the other.

Notice that while many recipes use measuring tablespoons to measure some ingredients, when you want to ensure that you are using the right amount of an ingredient to get more precise, then you should use milliliters instead. And this is exactly how you can see that measuring tablespoons aren’t the same in the world.
Discover how many ml in a tablespoon.
When you convert tablespoons into milliliters, then you will see that there is a difference especially between three countries: the United States, the United Kingdom, and Australia. And the main reason for only these 3 countries are affected is the fact that they are the ones that still use measuring spoons. In the rest countries of the world, the unit of measure is the milliliter that, as we already mentioned above, is more precise.
Getting More Precision In Your Measurements

As we just said, depending on where you are located, you may want or need to convert measuring tablespoons into milliliters. So, you will need to know that:
1 tablespoon = 14.78 ml (U.S.) = 17.75 ml (U.K.) = 20ml (Australia)
2 tablespoons = 29.57 ml (U.S.) = 35.51 ml (U.K.) = 40 ml (Australia)
3 tablespoons = 44.36 ml (U.S.) = 53.27 ml (U.K.) = 60 ml (Australia)
4 tablespoons = 59.15 ml (U.S.) = 71.03 ml (U.K.) = 80 ml (Australia)
5 tablespoons = 73.93 ml (U.S.) = 88.79 ml (U.K.) = 100 ml (Australia)
6 tablespoons = 88.72 ml (U.S.) = 106.5 ml (U.K.) = 100 ml (Australia)
Looking to convert tbsp in ml?
To ensure that you have a better grasp about converting tablespoons into milliliters or milliliters into tablespoons, you can also use the following references:
15 mls = 1 tablespoon (U.S.) = 0.84 tablespoons (U.K.) = 0.75 tablespoon (Australia)
20 mls = 1.35 tablespoons (U.S) = 1.13 tablespoon (U.K) = 1 tablespoon (Australia)

30 mls = 2 tablespoons (U.S.) = 1.68 tablespoons (U.K) = 1.5 tablespoons (Australia)
40 mls = 2.70 tablespoons (U.S.) = 2.25 tablespoons (U.K) = 2 tablespoons (Australia)
This is how to convert ml to 1 tablespoon.
50 mls = 3.38 tablespoons (U.S.) = 2.82 tablespoons (U.K) = 2.5 tablespoons (Australia)
60 mls = 4 tablespoons (U.S.) = 3.38 tablespoons (U.K) = 3 tablespoons (Australia)
100 mls = 6.76 tablespoons (U.S.) = 5.63 tablespoons (U.K) = 5 tablespoons (Australia)
150 mls = 10 tablespoons (U.S.), 8.45 tablespoons (U.K) = 7.5 tablespoons (Australia)